
Refund Policy

Refund Policy from www.latestgovt-jobs.com is mentioned on this page. For the simplicity of buyers, we make it clear and easy to understand for all. Here are some cases from which you can understand all the things. To decrease the chance of a return, the company will share index pages / full product detail.

  1. If a buyer returns the product, then s/he will get the amount of ( Total purchase amount of buyer -(minus) [ Shipping cost from our company to the buyer & 5-8% of MRP ] ) i.e, Refunded Amount will be less than the purchase amount.
  2. The customer has to give that address for delivery. On which delivery is possible. In any of the cases mentioned such as [ door locked / un-accepted / change in address / any other ] is happened. Then the ( point no. 1 ) is practised (above).
  3. The refunded amount will be transferred into the bank account within 14 to 20 days after the product received back to the company.
  4. Buyer will get the refund if his / her return request will be approved.
  5. Buyer will file the return request within 1-2 day of receiving the order.
  6. We have a return policy of 2 days. That if the customer returns the product even after 2 days from receiving, then the company will additionally charge +2% from their settlement amount.
  7. Buyer must send back the product in a good condition with proper packaging.
  8. A customer has to bear the return shipping cost.
  9. WWW.LATESTGOVT-JOBS.COM reserves all right to make any changes at any time.

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